Tuesday, February 21, 2012


A lot of the depression that I experience is brought about by believing negative things about myself, or allowing myself to believe the lies that satan is telling me. One of the ways that I've been combatting that is by declaring truth over myself. Yesterday my friend talked to Phi Lamb about 2 Corinthians 12:9, which says: " My grace is sufficient in you, my power is made perfect in weakness."

Today I realized that I have no control over these situations. My agency is so very limited. But that God has it all in His hands, and I went boldly before the throne room, and asked him to be perfect in my weakness, and to take these things into His hands.

When I feel out of control, when I feel like my emotions are leading me, instead of me leading my emotions, I say these words over my life:

I have a covenant with God, and by the blood of Jesus I release my divine provision.
My angels are carrying out the Word of God on my behalf. (Psalm 103:20) I expect to have divine appointments today, to run into the right people and to be delivered from the wrong people.

Any adversity, attack, accidents and tragedies that were headed my way are diverted right now in Jesus' name.

I speak to the raging waters in my life; peace, be still. I say to my mind; peace be still. I say to my emotions; peace, be still. I say to my body; peace, be still. I say to my home; peace, be still. I say to my family; PEACE, be still.

Now I speak to every mountain of fear, every mountain of discouragement, every mountain of lack and insufficiency; and I say, "Be removed and cast into the sea in Jesus name!" (Mark 11:22-24)

And I speak to this day and I call you blessed. And I declare that I serve a mighty God who today will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that I can ask or thing. (Eph 3:20) I say you are a good God and I eagerly anticipate your goodness today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love that end part! I am putting that on my prayer wall! :)
