Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stamp of Approval

Last night we took the pledges to Mount Bonell, while looking over the city of Austin we got to sing worship songs.

We might have been freezing our hineys off, but it was so worth it! I'm really excited for this new semester. That was the very best way we could have started it off. So blessed to get to spend every Wednesday with beautiful, godly women! But even as I got to pray for them, I still felt like God was calling me out, and I just wasn't sure what exactly He was trying to say. But then today happened...

Today has been one of those why do you do what you do kind of days. Like God shining the brightest light and using the best magnifying glass and saying, "my beautiful little girl, there are still smudges on you, and I love you, so I want you to shine bright as new." One of my friends has been telling me about his new revelation, this idea that we have already been renewed, and we can walk sinless lives, because Jesus said the old is gone and the new has come. And I mean when you say it, it sounds really awesome. But man, to live that way just sounds impossible! But if its possible to live a life without sin... I want it! I want my every motivation to be Christ. I don't want to do anything out of a desire for approval. I think as a woman, in women's ministry, its pretty easy to get caught up in wanting women to approve! But Jesus has called me lovely and worthy. And he approved me!

I've come to realize what an intense need I have to work to make God love me. I realized that I didn't think I was good enough just as I am for anyone to like me. When someone just enjoys me, I often wonder, "whats wrong with them?" Seriously, satan has so twisted my mind into believing I am unworthy of God's love that I've transferred those thoughts to all of humanity. But the thing is, God's love is free. In The Father Heart of God, he talks about bringing his wife flowers, and he says if he brought them to her and she went to her wallet to pay for them, he would be so hurt, all he wants is for her to accept his love and love him back. So often with God I try to pay him back for His love. But He is showering me with flowers, because He loves me, and He doesn't want anything in return, He is just romancing me.

On a lighter note... Earlier I was blessed enough to go on an adventure with my Hampton Family and why yes, I did chase after a Dodge Ram on foot. The gang and I were pulling into P Terry's parking lot and witnessed this bad ass truck run into a little Honda Civic. Obviously we all expected him to stop and find the owner... but he didn't! So I chased him down and wrote down his license plate number to give to the Honda's owner. I'm sure it was a rather amusing sight :p On our way back home we had a dance party to Pocahontas Dub Step, curtesy of Robert. I have the weirdest/best friends ever.

1 comment:

  1. Shirelle! So good to read your blogs! Always a blessing to me :)

    Lots of love x
